The film we've created is all about the age-old struggle between "Good and Evil". It's a tough game of matches, and where better to show that than in a real quarry?
When the agency came up with this idea, we knew it would be tough. We had to find a place that suited the concept and also worked for our production needs. We ended up choosing a quarry near Paris. It was here that we created a complete post-apocalyptic, with scary characters taking on our heroes.
To make this film, we used all kinds of techniques, from 3D compositing to the Unreal Engine. This helped us create a film that's unique and visually impressive.
Making Of
Photos by @atallahmarina and @gabdietrich
Direção: Gabriel Dietrich e Rodrigo Pesavento
Direção Executiva: Flavia Zanini
Direção de Fotografia: Rodrigo Carvalho
Direção de Arte: Larissa Cambaúva
Direção Executiva: Flavia Zanini
Direção de Fotografia: Rodrigo Carvalho
Direção de Arte: Larissa Cambaúva